We’re rejoicing over our 1st Jesus Name Baptism in the country of Tunisia!
Thank you for your prayers, help and support to the mission work in the Middle East!

We’re rejoicing over our 1st Jesus Name Baptism in the country of Tunisia!
Thank you for your prayers, help and support to the mission work in the Middle East!
“He who called us is faithful!”ย
God has called us to establish Apostolic churches in the Middle East! We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us in prayers and monthly support to sustain our mission work in Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Cyprus, and Morocco. Our vision is to see these mission works flourish and to plant new ones in Syria, Tunisia and Algeria in 2025!
Please talk to your pastor today and join us as we embark on this crucial journey in 2025 to spread the Gospel in a region that needs it most! ๐๐๐ฅ
Click here to partner with us!
#MiddleEast4Christ #MissionWork #FaithfulCalling #SupportAndPray
After couple of years of online outreach, God has opened a significant door for us in Morocco! By His grace, we sent our first missionary from Egypt to the city of Casablanca last week. Four pastors, some of whom meet in secret due to persecution, have come to the revelation of God in Christ and were baptized, along with some members of their congregations! We have enrolled these pastors in our weekly online Bible School & Discipleship classes!
Please join us in prayers for the establishing of Apostolic Churches in Morocco!
Click here to support the mission work in Morocco!
Earlier this year, with the help of The Lord, we planted the first Apostolic Church in Iraq! Our missionary, Bro. JM, was sent from our church in Beirut to work in the field, where he has been actively reaching out to souls and teaching Bible studies on a weekly basis. Since then, weโve made several trips and have witnessed many individuals getting baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost in the Iraq! Weโre excited to be part of what God is doing in the Middle East!
Please join us in prayers for the mission work in Iraq!
Click Here to support the mission work in Iraq
Rejoicing over two more souls baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:38 @aobeirut tonight! God is so awesome!!! ๐๐๐ฅ #MiddleEast4Christ
Thanking God for helping us obtain a legal covering to plant the 1st Apostolic Church in Iraq today! We got a building location and named it the “Foundation Church of Iraq” Setting the foundation of Truth and for a Holy Ghost Revival in Iraq! #MiddleEast4Christ ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ถ
Giving God the glory for His continuous help in reaching souls in the country of Iraq! By the grace of God and the help of those who share our vision for revival in the Middle East, we were able to send our first national missionary from Lebanon to the country of Iraq!
Today, there is a small group of Holy Ghost filled, Jesus Name baptized men and women in Iraq! The planting of a church is on the way!
We ask you to join us in prayers for the protection of our nationals who are working the field and for revival in Iraq! #MiddleEast4Christ
We give God glory for the continuous help He’s giving us in reaching out to souls in Egypt! Six have been baptized in Jesus Name in Egypt over the weekend!
We ask you to join us in prayers for protection over the nationals who are carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nation of Egypt! #MiddleEast4Christ
We thank the Lord for the open door God has given us to the country of Iraq! Last month we sent our first national missionary from our church in Beirut to the country of Iraq! Today, we had our first convert baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues in Iraq just like the book of Acts! To God be the glory!!!
May the Lord bless the mission work in Iraq and continue to use our national missionaries to bring revival in the Middle East! #MiddleEast4Christ